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Congratulations To Our Recent Graduates


William K Pittman, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Ministry

Juan-Carlos Gomez, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Theology

Robert Obradovic, BBS - Bachelor of Biblical Studies

Julia Hickey, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Christian Counseling

Kirk Alan Gitt, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Christian Counseling

Barbara Nelson, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Christian Counseling

Angela Sokol, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Biblical Studies

Arnold Lee Garrison Jr, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Christian Apologetics

John D Silvia, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Systematic Theology

Mark Saunders, BTh - Bachelor of Theology in Biblical Studies


Juan-Carlos Gomez, MTh - Master of Theology in Theology

William K Pittman, MTh - Master of Theology in Christian Counseling

Anthony Baldwin Taylor Jr, MTh - Master of Theology in Theology

Frank Agosto, MDiv - Master of Divinity in Divinity

Andrew L Liput, MTh - Master of Theology in Theology

James David Plakal, MTh - Master of Theology in Biblical Studies

Tommie Farrell Bunting, MTh - Master of Theology in Biblical Studies

Frederick Barabe, MTh - Master of Theology in Theology

William S Askew, MTh - Master of Theology in Theology

Johnny L Nowlin, MTh - Master of Theology in Theology

Mark Myers, MTh - Master of Theology in Biblical Studies

Anthony Luke Webbink, MDiv - Master of Divinity in Christian Counseling

Caleb M Engel, MTh - Master of Theology in Christian Counseling

Glen Andre Cook, MTh - Master of Theology in Biblical Studies

Kenneth J Taylor, MDiv - Master of Divinity in Ministry

Lloyd Michael Somers, MDiv - Master of Divinity in Ministry


Dr. William F Holland Jr, DD - Doctor of Divinity in Church History

Dr. Angela Latisha Jamison-Frazier, DMin - Doctor of Ministry in Ministry

Dr. William L Floyd, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Biblical Studies

Dr. Monica Anjileen Devi, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry

Dr. John Tarolli, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Hermeneutics

Dr. Kieanna Jones, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Theology

Dr. Robert Joseph Gow, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Theology

Dr. Stephen Mark Walker, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling

Dr. Moses Besong Obenofunde, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Christian Apologetics

Dr. Manuel Romano, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical History

Dr. Alonzo Kevin Morgan, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling

Dr. Steven Andrew Arnquist, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies

Dr. William S Askew, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Theology

Dr. Johnny L Nowlin, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Archaeology

Dr. Maxime Papillon, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling

Dr. Maryleen Merceron, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling Administration

Dr. Reginald Albert Moore, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Theology

Dr. James Scott Korth, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Biblical Studies

Dr. Evelyn Joanne Parillo, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies

Dr. Evelyn Joanne Parillo, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling

Dr. James Odie Parker III, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Christian Counseling

Dr. Ankou Saram, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Social Work

Dr. Francis Paul Moses, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Apologetics

Dr. Adeleke Oluwasanmi Joseph, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies

Dr. Nolan Adolfo Martinez, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling

Dr. Norma Jordan, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Apologetics

Dr. Robert Andrew Ainsworth, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Theology

Dr. Shondell Douglas, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Christian Counseling

Dr. Yarmonth Misameso Drissou, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Theology

Dr. Guillermo Antonio Calderon Nunez, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Biblical Studies

Dr. Joshua Daniel Soule, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education

Dr. Georger Otiende Okusi, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Social Work

Dr. Jose A Castro Benitez, DMin - Doctor of Ministry in Ministry

Dr. Ken Wehrman, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Christian Apologetics

Dr. Lawrence Trevor Sok, ThD - Doctor of Theology in Christian Apologetics

Dr. Marie Lucia Frederick, PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Systematic Theology

Dr. Michael Taren Knapp, DMin - Doctor of Ministry in Ministry