Northwestern Theological Seminary IT Department
The IT Department is available to assist you with any questions you may have regarding online access or technical issues with the Online Campus or Student Library. You may contact IT at anytime by email.
Always be sure to provide your student number when communicating with the IT Department.
Attention Hotmail, Yahoo and other email Users!
- It is important to put the Administration and your Advisor's e-mail addresses in your address book. If you don't, your e-mail account may "trash" any incoming messages from these offices before you receive them.
- In addition, be sure to keep your e-mail account cleared out as much as possible, especially your in-box. If your e-mail account reaches maximum capacity (check your account for limits), you will not receive new messages.
Other e-mail users should follow suit in case there are similar restrictions on other e-mail programs (Outlook, GroupWise,,,,, etc.)
- Also, be sure to keep your email address updated with the Administration. If you change your email address at anytime after enrollment, you must update your information. Failure to do so can result in unnecessary delays and possible interruptions in communications and access to the NTSMoodle.
- The Seminary cannot control if a student's email system marks Northwestern emails as spam. If you believe you should have received an email but did not, please contact once you have checked your spam folder and find the email is not there.
Minimum Browser Requirements
To access Northwestern's online courses, you'll need a computer with an internet connection and one of these Web browsers:
1. Internet Explorer for Windows 5.0, 5.5 SP2, 6.0 or higher
2. Internet Explorer for Mac 5.1 or higher
3. Netscape 6.2.2 or higher
4. Mozilla 1.5 and 1.6
5. Safari 1.2 or higher
The browser you are using right now should work OK with Northwestern online courses.
Minimum Computer Requirements
You need at least the equipment below. Newer, faster, higher versions will usually work better.
Intel/Microsoft Windows
1. Intel Pentium 650mHz processor or equal
2. 256mb RAM (512 strongly recommended)
3. 10gb Hard Drive
4. Monitor capable of 800x600 resolution minimum
5. Windows
6. Internet service provider and 56 kbps modem or broadband connection
7. Adobe PDF Reader
Apple Macintosh
1. Power Macintosh G4 550mHz
2. 256mb RAM (512 strongly recommended)
3. 10gb Hard Drive
4. Monitor capable of 800x600 resolution minimum
5. MacOS X 10.3
6. Internet service provider and 56 kbps modem or broadband connection
7. Adobe PDF Reader
Common Technical Problems
Problem: Why can't I access my NTSMoodle?
If you are new to Northwestern, your Online Learning account may not yet be activated. It can take up to 3 days for automated systems to add new accounts to the system. Request an account status check through
Only current Northwestern students and employees will have access. An 'Active' status Student ID/Password is required for access to your Online Learning Account.
Similarly, if you left Northwestern and have recently returned as an employee or student your account may have been deactivated. Contact for assistance.
IF ENROLLED UNDER OPTION B: Are your student monthly payments current? If you fail to make your monthly payments, you risk deactivation and possible termination from your program.
Problem: Your User ID and/or Password are invalid.
(1) Ensure that the 'Caps Lock' is not activated in your keyboard.
(2) Did you enter both the User ID and Password?
(3) You are using incorrect User ID and/or Password. If you need to verify your User ID and/or Password, click on 'Forget your User ID/Password?'. You will need to enter your email address on record. An email will follow with your current User ID and Password.
Problem: Cannot access certain pages of the site and/or download course materials.
There could potentially be countless reasons for this, and troubleshooting usually begins with the obvious (e.g. are you connected to the Internet, is the site unavailable). If you download any course materials and cannot view them, be aware that you must have Adobe Reader on your computer in order to read PDF Files. You can download Adobe Reader for your computer at no cost by going to the 'Orientation' from the home page of the NTSMoodle once logged in.
As always, if you have problems or questions contact the IT Department.