Northwestern Theological Seminary
Student Policy Book
Last Revised: September 2023
The Student Policy Book represents a general guide to the policies, procedures and rules of Northwestern Theological Seminary. All students should read the Policy Book carefully and are responsible for its contents. Changes in policies and procedures are effective at the School's discretion and may be implemented prior to publication in this book.
NTS Policy 1.1 - Academic Honesty
1.2 – Code of Conduct
1.3 – Sanctions Page
NTS Policy 2.1 - Climate of Responsibility
2.1.1. Seeks to be collegial rather than competitive
2.1.2. Seeks to foster a spirit of freedom rather than fear
2.1.3. Seeks to promote a spirit of excellence and inquiry
NTS Policy 3.1 - Policy against Sexual Harassment
3.1a. Sexual Harassment is prohibited
3.1b. Definition of Sexual Harassment
NTS Policy 4.1 - Financial Policies
4.1 Paying Balance on Tuition Upon Academic Completion
4.1a Option-A Student
4.1b Options-B and C Student
4.1c Refund / Withdrawal Policy
4.1c.1 Percentage Table and Time Frames
4.1c.2 Withdrawal/Refund Procedures
4.1c.3 Re-Enrollments after Withdrawal
4.1c.4 Special Circumstances
NTS Policy 5.0 - Dismissal Policies and Procedures
5.1 Related to Conduct
5.2 Related to Academics
5.3 Related to Financials
NTS Student Rights
NTS Student Responsibilities
School Disclaimer and Release of Liability Policies
NTS Policy 1.1 - Academic Honesty
Members of the Northwestern community are expected to conduct themselves responsibly and honestly in academic matters. Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses against this expectation and are subject to disciplinary action.
We define plagiarism as follows:
"Plagiarism is the dishonest act of presenting the words or thoughts of another writer as if they were your own.... If you quote from anything at must put quotation marks around it, or set it off from your text. If you summarize or paraphrase an author's words, you must clearly indicate where the summary or paraphrase begins and ends.... In every instance you must formally acknowledge the written source from which you took the material." [Quoted from James A. W. Heffernan and John E. Lincoln, Writing: A College Handbook (New York: W. W. Norton, 1982), p.457.]
If instances of cheating or plagiarism are detected, one of these disciplinary actions shall follow:
(1) The advisor records a failure for the assignment
(2) The advisor records a failure for the course
In either case, the advisor shall bring the matter to the Chancellor and/or Board, and the question whether further disciplinary action should be considered will be determined in consultation with the advisor, and the Chancellor and/or the board.
NTS Policy 1.2 – Code of Conduct
1.2a Actions which violate the human rights of any student or member of the Northwestern community; or behavior or language disrespectful of School staff or students.
1.2b Conduct that is detrimental to the good of the School or which discredits the School. Conduct detrimental to the Seminary includes knowingly assenting to or condoning violation of Seminary policies or state, federal or local laws by others.
1.2c Misrepresentation and/or academic dishonesty such as: cheating and plagiarism; knowingly furnishing false information.
1.2d Failure to comply with the directives of School officials and their authorized agents acting in performance of their duties.
NTS Policy 1.3 – Sanctions
1.3a Expulsion: This action is the permanent removal of a student from Northwestern.
1.3b Suspension: This action is the temporary removal of a student from the School for a specific period of time. Any student found responsible for any other violation of School Policy while on suspension or thereafter, will normally be expelled.
1.3c Conduct Probation: This action constitutes a specified time period during which a student must conduct him or herself in an exemplary manner. Any student found responsible for any other violation of School Policy while on conduct probation will normally be suspended or expelled.
1.3d Formal Reprimand: This action constitutes an official written reprimand concerning violation of School policy. Further violations will result in a minimum sanction of conduct probation.
NTS Policy 2.1 - Climate of Responsibility
Northwestern is committed and dedicated to providing an environment that is conducive for learning. The School seeks to establish a healthy climate for the development of relationships among its students, staff, and faculty and is dedicated to the pursuit of truth in its academic life in a manner that exemplifies respect, integrity and a valuing of each person in the School. The climate, which is desirable and maximal for learning, is one that is reflective of the following governing values:
2.1.1. Seeks to be collegial rather than competitive
A basic understanding of the nature of a Christian community is that it recognizes the value and worth of all persons and their contributions to the enterprise of theological education. Modeling a spirit of collegiality rather than competition is imperative in educating people to become leaders of communities.
This climate creates an atmosphere of openness to all people. When, for example, differences in theological positions, denominational affiliations, or understandings of ministry occur, those differences should be expressed and addressed in a manner that respects each person’s integrity and value in the eyes of God.
2.1.2. Seeks to foster a spirit of freedom rather than fear
"For freedom Christ has set us free" so that all members of the body of Christ may live out their lives with freedom for creative expression in the spirit of freedom from sin, death, and the law. The Seminary seeks to be free from intimidation, threat, coercion, or the abusive use of power in carrying on its discourse in the learning environment.
Freedom of expression in spoken and written word is not only a constitutional right but the expected courtesy accorded to every member of the Seminary. To the extent that the Seminary is reflective of this freedom of expression without recrimination, so it will exhibit an atmosphere of trust and safety rather than fear.
2.1.3. Seeks to promote a spirit of excellence and inquiry
Excellence and inquiry are essential to the work of the Seminary and to the practice of ministry. Excellence involves the necessity of asking the difficult questions, wrestling with controversial issues and dedicating oneself to the disciplines of prayer, study, research, dialogue and continuing growth. In the spirit of freedom and in dedication to the truth, some issues will be challenging for students, staff and faculty alike. The Seminary values the opportunity to engage in dialogue, debate, and inquiry at its very best without demeaning or devaluing another person in the process.
NTS Policy 3.1 - Policy against Sexual Harassment
Although Northwestern is an online distance learning institution, the fact that it maintains contact with others through electronic means to include telephone and emails, as well as in some cases special physical gatherings at various meetings, the School has established a policy against sexual harassment. Northwestern educates leaders for communities called to make disciples of all nations. The School is a teaching and learning environment in all of its life, including the way people conduct themselves with one another and deal with disagreements, grievances, and appeals in accord with the methods of Matthew 18:15-20.
Northwestern has a responsibility to protect the students, faculty, and staff from sexual harassment. In order to protect all members of the community from sexual harassment, we adopt the following policy:
3.1a. Sexual Harassment is prohibited
All students, faculty members and staff members of Northwestern ("the School"), have the right to be free of any form of sexual harassment. No person shall sexually harass any student, faculty member, or staff member of the School. No person shall base any personnel, professional, or academic decision on any person's acceptance or rejection of sexual advances. Any form of sexual harassment is unacceptable behavior at the University, and is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including immediate dismissal from the School.
3.1b. Definition of Sexual Harassment
1. Sexual harassment includes, but is not necessarily limited to, unwelcome conduct or statements that involve sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or joking based on sex.
2. Sexually harassing conduct may include, among other things, use of suggestive sexual comments or jokes; sexual remarks about a person's body, clothing, or sexual activities; or displays of sexually suggestive pictures or objects.
3. Sexual harassment also includes any other unwelcome verbal or visual conduct of a sexual nature, particularly if:
submission to such conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment, professional evaluation, or academic evaluation; or
submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for making employment, professional, or academic decisions; or
such conduct has the purpose or the effect of unreasonably interfering with the person's work or academic performance; or
such conduct has the purpose or the effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working, professional, or academic environment.
NTS Policy 4.1 - Financial Policies
Students at Northwestern are expected to abide within their financial agreements in their degree program. Students are expected to submit their payments in a timely manner.
4.1 Once you complete your academic requirements you will be notified. You will have 6 months to pay your balance. If the balance is not paid in this time, you will be charge an administrative fee of $150.00 and every 3 months thereafter.
4.1a Option-A Student:
These students have elected to pay 50% of their love offers with the understanding that no monthly payments are required, but payment in full of your program will be required prior to award of degree.
Under Option A, the student is free to make payments at any intervals after the initial 50% payment is made, without any further monthly obligations with the exception of payment in full for award of degree.
Students who completed their initial payments 8 days after notification of acceptance will be assessed a $75.00 Student Application & Enrollment Processing Fee to their total Love Offer amount. If the initial payment was made prior to 8 days, the $75.00 will be waived with the exception of program withdrawals.
4.1b Options-B Student:
These students have elected to pay the initial love offer payment with the understanding that they will be required to make monthly payments throughout their program, including full payment of program prior to award of degree.
Under Option B, the student has elected to make a smaller initial payment to complete their enrollments with the understanding that they are entering into a monthly arrangement.
Students that have missed more than 2 consecutive monthly payments can be subjected to suspension or dismissal of their program without any form of refund. If the student is dismissed from the program, they will be placed in default status, and may only be re-activated, at the discretion of the Seminary, once all remaining balances have been paid.
4.1c Refund / Withdrawal Policy:
Refunds of Love Offer may be given, for a valid reason, at our discretion, if the student withdraws within fourteen days of enrollment. The amount of the refunds will be based on the percentage table and timeframes below. An assessment of a $75.00 Student Application & Enrollment Processing Fee will be charged on all withdrawals and refunds.
4.1c.1 Percentage Table and Time Frames
• Withdrawals within the first 7 days of enrollment = 100% minus the $75.00 Student Application & Enrollment Processing Fee
• Withdrawals within the 8th to 14th day of enrollment = 50% minus the $75.00 Student Application & Enrollment Processing Fee
• Withdrawals after 14th day of enrollment = 0% (No refunds after this period. No exceptions, other than for Special Circumstances as listed in this policy.)
• Dismissals from the Seminary for violations of policies at anytime = 0% (No refunds will be given if the student is dismissed from the seminary due to a violation of any of the NTS Policies as provided, regardless of time frame at the time of the violation.)
4.1c.2 Withdrawal/Refund Procedures
Withdrawals and request for refunds must be in writing, submitted by certified postal mail, and is credited based on the post marked date on the envelope. The requests for withdrawal should include the reason for the withdrawal, if you should consider re-enrollment at a later time. The request should be certified mailed to:
Northwestern Theological Seminary
Att: Christian Educational Services
14391 Spring Hill Drive, Ste 288
Spring Hill, Florida 34609
4.1c.3 Re-Enrollments after Withdrawal
In cases where the withdrawal of the student is considered to be for acceptable reasons, (this solely at the discretion and approval of the seminary), students may re¬register and begin where they left off with their studies, with prior or amended payment arrangements, and a $25.00 re-enrollment registration fee. Any funds paid by a student, that has been approved re-enrollment, that were not refunded because the initial withdrawal was not accomplished within the established time frame, will be credited to the student’s degree program(s) account.
4.1c.4 Special Circumstances
In case of death or involuntary call to military duty, Northwestern will return 100% of the Love Offer amounts received, if such event takes place within 90 days of enrollment.
NTS Policy 5.0 - Dismissal Policies and Procedures
5.1 Related to Conduct
5.1a If a student is behaving inappropriately, he or she will be given ONE warning that his or her behavior must be corrected. If after such warning the student misbehaves again, the student may be suspended or expelled on grounds of misconduct.
5.1b Inappropriate behavior is defined as follows:
• Abusive, condescending or mean spirited communication directed towards any ministry leader, instructor, staff member or fellow student.
• Threats of any kind towards ministry leadership, instructors, staff or other fellow students
5.1c If the President or Dean determines the behavior to be excessively inappropriate he may enact an immediate expulsion.
5.1d If a student is found to be guilty of cheating on examinations or class work he or she may be expelled immediately.
5.2 Related to Academics
5.2a Each student must maintain a passing cumulative grade in every program he or she attends, or he or she may be excused from continuing in his or her program of study.
5.3 Related to Financials
5.3a If a student is enrolled in a degree program based on Option B of the payment plan for the love offer and has missed two consecutive payments; he or she may be placed on suspension or be expelled from the School for failure to fulfill the love offer in lieu of tuition agreement. Reinstatement will require payment of remaining balance in full. All prior payments are forfeited if no reinstatement is accomplished.
Northwestern Student Rights
1 Students have the right to receive regular and organized instruction and guidance consistent with the aims of the course for which they have enrolled.
2 A student’s grade in a course would be determined only by academic achievement consistent with the aims and content of that course.
3 All students have the right to use the educational resources of the School in accordance with the rules concerning their use.
4 Northwestern recognizes that free inquiry and expression are indispensable elements for the achievement of the goals of an academic community. Students have the right to freedom of expression, including the right to dissent, protest and/or take reasoned exception to the information and views offered in any course.
5 Each student has the right to fair and reasonable treatment by other members of the School community.
6 Northwestern will maintain a copy of this Policy Book at all times in the Administration page of the Online Campus, the Northwestern Student Server, and on the Student Orientation in the NTSMoodle.
Northwestern Student Responsibilities
1 Each student is responsible for learning the content and the skills required by his or her courses.
2 Each student is responsible for being honest in all of his or her classes.
3 The student is responsible for arranging with their advisor any modifications of class requirements necessitated by special needs, such as medical conditions, physical disabilities, or learning disabilities. Students with physical or learning disabilities who desire accommodations are required to provide documentation of their disability before accommodations are provided.
4 Each student has the responsibility to treat other members of the School fairly and respectfully.
5 Each student has the responsibility to know and abide by what is contained in the Student Policy Book of Northwestern Theological Seminary and Christian University and all other applicable School regulations and policies.
School Disclaimer and Release of Liability Policies
Christian Alliance Ministries, Northwestern Theological Seminary, and Northwestern Christian University hereafter referred to as CAM / NTS / NCU, offer Christ centered education to the world as the central function of our worldwide ministries. This is a legally-binding release made by you through your action of submitting your application form to CAM / NTS / NCU.
Our Ministries are not regulatory agencies. While every effort is made to insure that information and education is provided in accord with high standards, and is current and accurate, no representations or warranties expressed or implied, are guaranteed by CAM / NTS / NCU regarding staff, board members, directors, officers, employees, faculty, advisors, ministers,
agents or anyone associated with the above stated ministries or any form of NTS / NCU education program content. By submitting the application and (or) enrolling you agree to this liability statement. Furthermore, you agree that, in consideration for any education or learning opportunity provided to you, you understand that this is a ministry related educational
program and not for secular employment purposes or form monetary gain and that such education is not regionally accredited or approved by the U.S. / D.O.E. you will assume and take on yourself any and all of the risks and responsibilities in any way associated with your future following graduation including assessment of the quality and competency of the education
that you have freely chosen from CAM / NTS / NCU. In addition, you fully release and hold harmless CAM / NTS / NCU and all of it’s staff, board of directors, directors, officers, employees, faculty, advisors , ministers and agents from any and all liability, claims or actions that may arise to or from yourself, in connection with the decision to enroll, attend, or
participate in any way, with any of the CAM including NTS and NCU. You recognize fully, that this release means that you are giving up among other things your rights to sue The Office of the Presiding Pastor of Christian Alliance Ministries and His Successors, a Corporation Sole (Northwestern Theological Seminary Fellowships and Worldwide Church of Jesus Christ Fellowships),
it’s staff, board members, directors, officers, employees, faculty, advisors, ministers, agents or anyone associated with the above stated ministries, for damages, injuries or losses you may incur through or resulting from any of the the services or educational programs that you may receive from this ministry organization. You also fully understand that this release binds
your heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, as well as yourself and your dependents.